I first feel in love with “Grease” when I was only four years old. I’d won the Grease soundtrack so mum got me the video from the video store. After that every time we got a video out I asked for Grease (I was never allowed to get it.) Grease was my favourite movie! I think that the people that have never seen it are deprived of something great. I kind or forgot about it over the past few years. But when I saw it in the DVD shop last Friday I knew I had to get it out.
As soon as I pressed play all the memories came flooding back to me. As the movie was playing I could tell my friend exactly what would happen next. Not just the basics, I could tell her exactly the movement they were going to make. For example in the “Greased lightning song” I could say what words and dance moves would come up next, (and I hadn’t watched it for at least six years.
When I was about five my favourite character was definitely Danny. Because I thought he was so COOL. He walked cool (well that’s what I thought then), he danced cool, he talked cool, and I loved his hair and leather Jackets!
But now I’ve grown off him and my new favourite character is Kenickie!
Kenicke is Danny’s best friend and second in command of the “T birds.” He’s the guy you always need to act cool around! All Kenickie cares about is looking cool and his car. Which is a putty piece of junk that he has dreams of transforming? He sounds stuck up but he’s awesome.
Grease is a musical (turned into a film) based in the 50’s. It’s about a young teenage romance between Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson. Danny and Sandy met on the beach during summer and feel in love. But when Sandy meets him again at her new school, he isn’t the same Danny she at meet at the beach. During the movie they have an on/off relationship. But have great funny with their group of friends. In the end Sandy decides to be more like Danny, so their relation ship will work. She comes to the school carnival in a tight black one piece outfit and red highheels. Danny is blown away and that’s when they start sing “You’re the one that I want”
Danny is the leader of the “T birds!” The T birds are the school trouble makers and are “too cool for school.”
Sandy befriends a group of girls called the “Pink Ladies” The pink ladies are a group of girls with crazy personalities. They all where pink jackets and say Pink ladies on the back! Sandy who is sweet, polite, and obedient is nothing like the rebellious Pink Ladies.
Each Pink Lady, pairs up with a T bird. My fav couple is Kenikie and Rizzo. There a strange couple.
Grease was an ENORMOUS hit when it came out and it still is now.
1. Summer night
2. Your the one that I want
3. Look at me, i'm Sandra Dee
4. Greased Lightning
5. Hopelessely Devoted to You
6. We Go Together
7. Beauty School Drop Out