After 20 hours of flying and seven hours of sitting in Airports I finally arrived in Switzerland....... 3 days ago. I can now offisually say i dont like but i dont hate airoplane food. Its not very nice to eat but you get so bored that eatting gives you something different to do.
I didnt want to sleep in the daz in switzerland, so I hadn`t slept for over 50 HOURSSSS!!!! and my dad woke me up at 8:30 the next morning.
GGRRR Typing this is anoying the crap out of me because the Y and Z have swapped places on this keyboard.
Im staying at my Uncles house in a beautiful village in the Italian part of Switzerland. All the houses in it are BEAUTIFUL Italian Villas. When you turn in a 360 degree all you see is mountian after mountian.
Yesterday we went to Lugano, which is a VERY wealthy City. It is full of Italian Arcatecture and sits right on the edge of a lake. Its the most amazing place I think i`ve ever been to.
YUM on the lake there is gelatto (however you spell it) a stand
OH My GOODNESS ice cream is no where near as nice as it.
TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!
TODAY IT WAS 31 DEGREES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM.......................... Coming from New Zealand where its been like 15 degrees. IM GETTING A TAN COURTNEY!!!!! Shame you pastez white people in NZ in the freezing cold.............SUCKERS!!!!! The people here are SOOO FREAKING TANNED!!!
Today we went up a mountian (which I cant remember the name of) on a cable car and then chair lifts. BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Then we went to Ascona which is a Town (quite large) and walked along the lake. Tomorrow we're going back there to go SHOPPING!!!!!!!!! YAY!!
I met my other Uncle on wednesday for the first time. On Sunday ill met my other family, (Dads 2 other brothers and his sister)
AHHHHH im getting obese.....aaaaagggain, watch out guys. You might need to extend the doors just a tad :S mwahahahaa!!!!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
%$%$%$P.s. I love you$%$%$%
Holly is happily married to a gorgeous Irishman Gerry, when suddenely Gerry is diagnosed with a brain tumor and dies shortly after. When Holly is at breaking point she recieves a letter from her belovered Gerry. Gerry had organized for her to recieve over a period of time, letters he had wrote to her before his death. Each letter sending her of wild adventures to help celebrate herself. These letters help her to adjust her new life without Gerry.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
People slipping over is so funny
I've alwayz thought that it was weird that when people find things funny they make a noise out of their mouth. Why not out your ears, or noise or...........................!
I love laughing itz the best thing to do. If Igo a day without having a good laughing fit, I feel like crap and I'm like WOW thats weird.
Many things make me laugh.
I think one of the most funniest things i've ever seen was when I watched my Mum trip over. I laughed from the moment I watched her belly flop onto the ground until we got home, (which was about 15 minutes later.) People always say I'm mean for laughing at her, but I couldn't help myself. It's been over two years since this happened, and i'm still laughing while I right this. (I still dont feel mean!)
Last year my friend slipped over and hurt herself, she started crying while I stode their trying to contain my laughter. SORRY _ _ _ _ _!
Me and Courtney made Vinay slip over. That was funny!
In year 8 I tripped over three times in one day.
Firstly I vagly remember tripping outside my class. Then about an hour later I tripped in a pot hole, which made me land on my face. Then after school I was walking home from the bus stop and I skidded in some stones.
Very Funny.......... I dont know why I'm righting this.
Last year my friend slipped in some sewage water at the beach.
I love laughing itz the best thing to do. If Igo a day without having a good laughing fit, I feel like crap and I'm like WOW thats weird.
Many things make me laugh.
I think one of the most funniest things i've ever seen was when I watched my Mum trip over. I laughed from the moment I watched her belly flop onto the ground until we got home, (which was about 15 minutes later.) People always say I'm mean for laughing at her, but I couldn't help myself. It's been over two years since this happened, and i'm still laughing while I right this. (I still dont feel mean!)
Last year my friend slipped over and hurt herself, she started crying while I stode their trying to contain my laughter. SORRY _ _ _ _ _!
Me and Courtney made Vinay slip over. That was funny!
In year 8 I tripped over three times in one day.
Firstly I vagly remember tripping outside my class. Then about an hour later I tripped in a pot hole, which made me land on my face. Then after school I was walking home from the bus stop and I skidded in some stones.
Very Funny.......... I dont know why I'm righting this.
Last year my friend slipped in some sewage water at the beach.
My favourite Movie (Mozart and the whale)

Mozart and the whale is the most gorgeous movie ever.
It’s a story about to adults that suffer from Asperger's Syndrome (a form of autism).
Donald runs a group for people with Autism, so that those that have worse off autism than he has can find the comfort they need. Isabelle has had the self help group recommended to her. She attends the meeting and be-friends Donald.
Most Autistic people have another sort of amazing talent, which average people can’t do.
Donald has an amazing ability with numbers, every moment of they day he is thinking up equations in his mined. Equations that people need to use a calculator to answer he can answer in seconds. He’ll turn anything in life into an equation.
Isabelle is creative. She can listen to music and write down the notes being played as the song player. At the same time as doing this she’ll have a paint brush in her other hand, and will be painted an amazing picture.
On Halloween they dress up as the things they truly are.
Donald dresses up as a Whale, because whales and he think “they are watching a parade but really they are the parade. “
Izzy dresses up as Mozart, because of her love for Mozart and her musical ability.
This is why the movie is called “Mozart and the Whale”
As there relationship grows they learn the ways each other are affected by their disorder.
Donald can’t handle change and he likes everything left where he left them. For example when Isabelle decided to clean his house, which at the time was filthy. She sorted out all his belongings and made his apartment look clean and tidy. Instead of the thankful reaction she expected of him, he was furious. Telling her “she’d stolen his life.”
Donald and Izzy fall in love, but there’s always something stopping their relationship to go further.
The movie shows the effects on people with Asperser’s Syndrome, and it really makes you realize that they shouldn’t be judged just because they are different. They are amazing talented people, with just as much right to be in society as we are.
Donald is played by Josh Hartnett.
Izzy is played by Radha Mitchell.
This movie is so SOOOOOO cute!!
It’s a story about to adults that suffer from Asperger's Syndrome (a form of autism).
Donald runs a group for people with Autism, so that those that have worse off autism than he has can find the comfort they need. Isabelle has had the self help group recommended to her. She attends the meeting and be-friends Donald.
Most Autistic people have another sort of amazing talent, which average people can’t do.
Donald has an amazing ability with numbers, every moment of they day he is thinking up equations in his mined. Equations that people need to use a calculator to answer he can answer in seconds. He’ll turn anything in life into an equation.
Isabelle is creative. She can listen to music and write down the notes being played as the song player. At the same time as doing this she’ll have a paint brush in her other hand, and will be painted an amazing picture.
On Halloween they dress up as the things they truly are.
Donald dresses up as a Whale, because whales and he think “they are watching a parade but really they are the parade. “
Izzy dresses up as Mozart, because of her love for Mozart and her musical ability.
This is why the movie is called “Mozart and the Whale”
As there relationship grows they learn the ways each other are affected by their disorder.
Donald can’t handle change and he likes everything left where he left them. For example when Isabelle decided to clean his house, which at the time was filthy. She sorted out all his belongings and made his apartment look clean and tidy. Instead of the thankful reaction she expected of him, he was furious. Telling her “she’d stolen his life.”
Donald and Izzy fall in love, but there’s always something stopping their relationship to go further.
The movie shows the effects on people with Asperser’s Syndrome, and it really makes you realize that they shouldn’t be judged just because they are different. They are amazing talented people, with just as much right to be in society as we are.
Donald is played by Josh Hartnett.
Izzy is played by Radha Mitchell.
This movie is so SOOOOOO cute!!
IT's so YUMMMMMMMMMM. The taste of delicous Chocolate on my taste buds is the best thing in the world. WHEN I WANT CHOOCOLATE I GOTTA HAVE IT!!! I'LL DO WHAT EVERS NEEDED TO GET IT!!!!!
Strangely enugh my fave types are "dairy milk" and "alonde"
oh and "black forest" is also ggggoooooooooooooooooood!!!
IT's so YUMMMMMMMMMM. The taste of delicous Chocolate on my taste buds is the best thing in the world. WHEN I WANT CHOOCOLATE I GOTTA HAVE IT!!! I'LL DO WHAT EVERS NEEDED TO GET IT!!!!!
Strangely enugh my fave types are "dairy milk" and "alonde"
oh and "black forest" is also ggggoooooooooooooooooood!!!
I cant go a more than a few hours without listening to music. I know I dont play an instrument or do music at school, but that doesn't mean I dont love music as much as those that do. When I was year seven I wanted to play the drums (I ended up playing the saxophone, I had a stupid teacher so I gave up on that.) Then in year eight I wanted to play to guitar, (I ended up playing the flute, that was gae.) YeAh I dont know how that worked.?!?!?!?!
But anyway I cant explain my love for music.
Itz confussing. Well not really.
My favourite style of music is Rock but I also like hiphop. But not as much as Rock but I still LOVE hiphop.
I listen to heaps of types of Rock. You could find me listening to Jimi Hendrix or Audioslave, then five minutes later I'll be listening to the GooGoo dolls (which are three totally differnt styles of Rock.)
I started loving 70's Rock this time last year. It was when my sister THRASHHHHHHHHH her 70's Rock CD. I LoVe Jimi Hendrix. (fave Jimi Hendrix songz are "Vodo Child" and "All along the Watchtower"
As I said I also love Hiphop/ rap. But it's a certian type of Hiphop/ rap, I honestly cant explain what I like and dont like about hiphop. All I know is I Hate HARDCORE GANGSTA.
Sorry to all those that do, but honestly it's soooooo uncreative, and their not that talented.
There's a spesific sound I like when listening to Hiphop/ rap. It has to have a really cool and crazy rythm or beat (what ever you call it). I CANT EXPLAIN IT AND ANNOYS ME SO MUCH!
I LOVE LUPE FIASCO and KANYE WEST and loads more.
Music gives me this weird thrill
But anyway I cant explain my love for music.
Itz confussing. Well not really.
My favourite style of music is Rock but I also like hiphop. But not as much as Rock but I still LOVE hiphop.
I listen to heaps of types of Rock. You could find me listening to Jimi Hendrix or Audioslave, then five minutes later I'll be listening to the GooGoo dolls (which are three totally differnt styles of Rock.)
I started loving 70's Rock this time last year. It was when my sister THRASHHHHHHHHH her 70's Rock CD. I LoVe Jimi Hendrix. (fave Jimi Hendrix songz are "Vodo Child" and "All along the Watchtower"
As I said I also love Hiphop/ rap. But it's a certian type of Hiphop/ rap, I honestly cant explain what I like and dont like about hiphop. All I know is I Hate HARDCORE GANGSTA.
Sorry to all those that do, but honestly it's soooooo uncreative, and their not that talented.
There's a spesific sound I like when listening to Hiphop/ rap. It has to have a really cool and crazy rythm or beat (what ever you call it). I CANT EXPLAIN IT AND ANNOYS ME SO MUCH!
I LOVE LUPE FIASCO and KANYE WEST and loads more.
Music gives me this weird thrill
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Random story I wrote for a school assesment. I dont like my work, I find it super hard to write SHORT stories. I'm also not very creative so this is the best the same out of my brain. It's not that I dont have good ideas in my head or an Imagination, but I just cant get it down on paper. ARGH IT's SOoOoOo anOYiNg!!!!!!!!
Liam awoke to the repetition of one distinct word, “Mayday, Mayday, I repeat Mayday!”
“What’s happening!” he yelled as he lurched forward in his seat.
The plane jolted backwards and forwards, over and over. The lights around him flickered on and off as the people around him screamed in terror. Suddenly the plane became smooth, but now instead of gliding through the air it was falling. Down, Down, Faster, Faster. Suddenly the plane halted to a stop. The only movement made was its slow swaying, the tail slowly tipped forward then the nose. The only noise made inside the plane was a small child whimpering with fear, everyone else to afraid to speak.
The trees below suddenly gave into the weight of the plane. The loud cracks of the trees echoed through the bushes. Each branch snapping one after the other. Again Romeo found himself falling through the air.
Liam later awoke to find himself lying under a big old tree. For a moment he lay dazed and confused. Looking around he saw a crowd of people. From the corner of his eye he saw a small child crouching over a young woman. She had blood and cuts all over her face. At the sight of this he remember exactly what had happened. It all came flashing back to him, the plane, the trees and the feeling of falling through the air.
As he rose he turned to find rows and rows of houses. For a slight second he thought they were saved. However as he took a closer look he discovered he was wrong. Very Wrong, for everything around him gave him an uncanny feeling. The hundred of houses around him were all identical. All in a weird design from back in the 2010’s. They all had huge chunks of plaster breaking away from their walls and slimy green mould oozing down their sides. The gardens were shabby and over grown. Liam could just make out what used to be a garden gnome sitting at the edge of a grubby garden path. It had black gunk dripping down its sides and had grass growing out of its sides.
A sick feeling grew inside of him. Would they ever be saved? Did anyone know this abandoned town existed? There must be a way out! Someone will find us! Liam convinced himself as he walked back to beach in fear of his future.
Though it had been many years since the plane crash, Liam still remembered the abandoned town. He had a vivid image of the filth the houses were surrounded in. He remembered not seeing any signs of life, the only evidence of there ever being existence were the housing. He couldn’t understand why know body knew what had happened to these people. Where are they now? Are they living normal lives like us? What had happened to make every flee?
Liam awoke to the repetition of one distinct word, “Mayday, Mayday, I repeat Mayday!”
“What’s happening!” he yelled as he lurched forward in his seat.
The plane jolted backwards and forwards, over and over. The lights around him flickered on and off as the people around him screamed in terror. Suddenly the plane became smooth, but now instead of gliding through the air it was falling. Down, Down, Faster, Faster. Suddenly the plane halted to a stop. The only movement made was its slow swaying, the tail slowly tipped forward then the nose. The only noise made inside the plane was a small child whimpering with fear, everyone else to afraid to speak.
The trees below suddenly gave into the weight of the plane. The loud cracks of the trees echoed through the bushes. Each branch snapping one after the other. Again Romeo found himself falling through the air.
Liam later awoke to find himself lying under a big old tree. For a moment he lay dazed and confused. Looking around he saw a crowd of people. From the corner of his eye he saw a small child crouching over a young woman. She had blood and cuts all over her face. At the sight of this he remember exactly what had happened. It all came flashing back to him, the plane, the trees and the feeling of falling through the air.
As he rose he turned to find rows and rows of houses. For a slight second he thought they were saved. However as he took a closer look he discovered he was wrong. Very Wrong, for everything around him gave him an uncanny feeling. The hundred of houses around him were all identical. All in a weird design from back in the 2010’s. They all had huge chunks of plaster breaking away from their walls and slimy green mould oozing down their sides. The gardens were shabby and over grown. Liam could just make out what used to be a garden gnome sitting at the edge of a grubby garden path. It had black gunk dripping down its sides and had grass growing out of its sides.
A sick feeling grew inside of him. Would they ever be saved? Did anyone know this abandoned town existed? There must be a way out! Someone will find us! Liam convinced himself as he walked back to beach in fear of his future.
Though it had been many years since the plane crash, Liam still remembered the abandoned town. He had a vivid image of the filth the houses were surrounded in. He remembered not seeing any signs of life, the only evidence of there ever being existence were the housing. He couldn’t understand why know body knew what had happened to these people. Where are they now? Are they living normal lives like us? What had happened to make every flee?
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Sickle Cell Anemia
Sickle Cell anmenia is a disease that is past down from parents that both have abnormal genes. Sickle Cell anmenia occurs when red blood cells form an abnormal form of hemoglobin, (a hemoglobin is a protien found in red blood cell that help move oxygen throughout the body.) The abnormal hemoglobin tend to clumb together which makes the red blood cells sticky, stiff and more fragile. Once this happens the red blood cells turn into a more lumpy shape, normal red blood cells are dougnut shaped which helps them move more smoothly throughout the body. Since the red blood cell has turned into a lumpy form it finds it hard to make its way through our ateries. This clogs your vessels and deprive your organs of the oxygen it needs to keep healthy.
Healthy red blood cells normally lasts around four months, But with the diasease Sickle Cell anmenia, your red blood cells only normally live up to 20 days, which causes anmenia. Anmenia is what happens when our amount of red blood cells fall below normal. When this happens you tend to get tired and weak easily.
This Disease would affect a person very much, they would not only fell weak and tired all the time, but they would also get sick easier and catch infections and disease in their organs because so their lack of getting the oxygen delivered to them.
Healthy red blood cells normally lasts around four months, But with the diasease Sickle Cell anmenia, your red blood cells only normally live up to 20 days, which causes anmenia. Anmenia is what happens when our amount of red blood cells fall below normal. When this happens you tend to get tired and weak easily.
This Disease would affect a person very much, they would not only fell weak and tired all the time, but they would also get sick easier and catch infections and disease in their organs because so their lack of getting the oxygen delivered to them.
Antigone (greek play) (did it for Drama)
Summary- Antigone is going the law of the king Creon. She will bury her brother polynecies. But Creon will not allow it. When he finds out she has buried Polynecies he sentences her and her sister Ismene to death. Creon soon becomes sorry for his choice and goes to release Antigone and Ismene but it is too late. Antigone Hung herself, and Creon’s son Haimon and Antigones fiancĂ©e is so heart broken that he also kills himself. So after the Queen kills herself for the loose of her son. King Creon realizes that he has been a foolish king.
Who wrote “Antigone”?
Sophocles was born in 496bc. He became one of the greatest Play writers in the “goldenage.”
He studied all arts and by the age of 16 he was known for his beauty and grace, he was chose to be lead singer in a choir for the victory of Salamis.
Sophocles wrote more than 120 plays and won 18 1st place prizes for them.
Sophocles was also an accomplish actor and performed in many of his plays.
For many years Sophocles served as an ordained priest in the service of two local heroes--Alcon and Asclepius, the god of medicine.
What did Antigone do? Do I agree with what she did? Antigone went against the laws of Creon. I agree with what she did but because she stood up for the rights of those in her family. Buy burying her brother she allowed polynecies to have the funeral that she deserved.
Stand up for what you believe, even if you stand alone- This quote relates to Antigone because Antigone was the only person that was standing up for what she believed in. No one else wanted to stand up for Antigone’s brother’s rights.
Sentry- I found Sentry interesting because he seemed to be determined to get Antigone arrested. He was always saying things like “arrest her judge her!”
Chorus- The Chorus talked to the audience and said what was happening or what was going to happen. They talked in unison and used hand movements. They were a group of people. There was also the lead Chorus character and he would talk by himself to other characters.
Who wrote “Antigone”?
Sophocles was born in 496bc. He became one of the greatest Play writers in the “goldenage.”
He studied all arts and by the age of 16 he was known for his beauty and grace, he was chose to be lead singer in a choir for the victory of Salamis.
Sophocles wrote more than 120 plays and won 18 1st place prizes for them.
Sophocles was also an accomplish actor and performed in many of his plays.
For many years Sophocles served as an ordained priest in the service of two local heroes--Alcon and Asclepius, the god of medicine.
What did Antigone do? Do I agree with what she did? Antigone went against the laws of Creon. I agree with what she did but because she stood up for the rights of those in her family. Buy burying her brother she allowed polynecies to have the funeral that she deserved.
Stand up for what you believe, even if you stand alone- This quote relates to Antigone because Antigone was the only person that was standing up for what she believed in. No one else wanted to stand up for Antigone’s brother’s rights.
Sentry- I found Sentry interesting because he seemed to be determined to get Antigone arrested. He was always saying things like “arrest her judge her!”
Chorus- The Chorus talked to the audience and said what was happening or what was going to happen. They talked in unison and used hand movements. They were a group of people. There was also the lead Chorus character and he would talk by himself to other characters.
I made this Ice Cream once. It was yum but I think you shouldn't add so much condensed milk. It doesn't taste like bought Ice Cream.
600ml cream
395g Condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
150g chocolate cookies, crumbled (I USE OREOS)
Beat cream, condensed milk and vanilla essence till thick and creamy.
Fold in cookies. Next pour into pan or bowl till solid.
Friday, June 6, 2008
This Slice is suitable to serve as a warm dessert if wished. It’s delicious served with whipped cream.
125g very soft butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 ¼ cups flour
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
2 to 3 apples.
¼ cup brown sugar
Teaspoon of ground cinnamon
Place butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla essence, milk, flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl. Beat on a low speed to combine. Increase speed to a medium and beat for 3 minutes. Pour into a greased 20X30cm tray. Cut apples in slices and remove cores, each apple should make at least20 slices. Press into mixture in tray. Sprinkle with topping and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for up to 25 to 30 minutes or until cake is springing back when lightly touched. Cool in tray then cut into slices.
125g very soft butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 ¼ cups flour
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
2 to 3 apples.
¼ cup brown sugar
Teaspoon of ground cinnamon
Place butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla essence, milk, flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl. Beat on a low speed to combine. Increase speed to a medium and beat for 3 minutes. Pour into a greased 20X30cm tray. Cut apples in slices and remove cores, each apple should make at least20 slices. Press into mixture in tray. Sprinkle with topping and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for up to 25 to 30 minutes or until cake is springing back when lightly touched. Cool in tray then cut into slices.
Ken Carter is a Basket Ball couch and has been asked to coach Richmond high. A High school in the inner City of California, in which he attended as a teenager. Richmond is full of students which are most likely to not graduate high school. The team won four games and lost 22 games the year before, so Coach Carter is there to change that. The members of his team are unreliable, disrespectful (to themselves and other), they never attend classes and they have low grades. So Coach Carter sets strict rules for his rebellious team. They must maintain a 2.3 grade point average, they must attend classes and sit in the front row, and they must wear jackets and ties on game days.
After hard training Richmond wins all games they have so far played but Coach Carter is soon to realize that their grades aren’t up to standard and many of them are skipping class. So he locks the gym so the team can spend their time studying and catching up in class. But the public do not agree with Coach Carter’s actions. After many meetings a vote is made by the school board to end the lock out.
But the players point out that even though the gym is opened they can’t force them to play.
When the team all reaches their 2.5 grade point average they start playing ball again. They attend the Basket Ball Championships against St Francis. Though it is a tight score sadly they lose the game. But they know that they have won. They had a Coach that Saved their lives. Realizing that Their “deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, their deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
After hard training Richmond wins all games they have so far played but Coach Carter is soon to realize that their grades aren’t up to standard and many of them are skipping class. So he locks the gym so the team can spend their time studying and catching up in class. But the public do not agree with Coach Carter’s actions. After many meetings a vote is made by the school board to end the lock out.
But the players point out that even though the gym is opened they can’t force them to play.
When the team all reaches their 2.5 grade point average they start playing ball again. They attend the Basket Ball Championships against St Francis. Though it is a tight score sadly they lose the game. But they know that they have won. They had a Coach that Saved their lives. Realizing that Their “deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, their deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Victoria Beckham first became famous in the 90’s. she joined a British Pop group called “The Spice girls” with Geri Halliwell, Emma Bunton, Melanie Brown and Melanie Chisholm.Victoria was nick named Posh as a mockery from a British tabloid. The Spice girls released four albums called Wannabe, Spice, Spiceworld and Forever. These for ablums were great hits.
Victoria Beckham is of course is married to “David Beckham.” They were dubbed the name "Posh and Becks" by the media, and were later married at Luttrellstown Castle, Ireland on 4 July 1999. They, until recently have lived in the UK with their three sons Brooklyn Joseph Beckham (born 4 March 1999 in London), Romeo James Beckham (born 1 September 2002 in London), and Cruz David Beckham (born 20 February 2005 in Madrid, Spain). Elton John and David Furnish are Brooklyn and Romeo’s Godparents.
The Beckhams moved to LA to increase Victoria’s career. David joined the LA GALAXY.
People think Victoria Beckham is a stupid, miserable, stuck up, cow.
But I think she’s funny!
Watch “Victoria Beckham coming to America” (on YOUTUBE)
It’s HilaAaAaAaaaaaaarious!!! She makes this pie to take to a tea party.
Watching her cook it is so FUNNY, cause she has never baked before. Then no one eats it.
Victoria Beckham is of course is married to “David Beckham.” They were dubbed the name "Posh and Becks" by the media, and were later married at Luttrellstown Castle, Ireland on 4 July 1999. They, until recently have lived in the UK with their three sons Brooklyn Joseph Beckham (born 4 March 1999 in London), Romeo James Beckham (born 1 September 2002 in London), and Cruz David Beckham (born 20 February 2005 in Madrid, Spain). Elton John and David Furnish are Brooklyn and Romeo’s Godparents.
The Beckhams moved to LA to increase Victoria’s career. David joined the LA GALAXY.
People think Victoria Beckham is a stupid, miserable, stuck up, cow.
But I think she’s funny!
Watch “Victoria Beckham coming to America” (on YOUTUBE)
It’s HilaAaAaAaaaaaaarious!!! She makes this pie to take to a tea party.
Watching her cook it is so FUNNY, cause she has never baked before. Then no one eats it.
A belt is a strip of thick material originally used to hold pants up around the hips. They were originally leather, but over the years have been made in numerous materials. Belts have pieces of metal at each end which is called a buckle. The buckle joins the belts at its ends.
Though belts are still used in many cases to hold up pants, they where them in a different way has come in and out and in of fashion. This is for Fashion. Belts are now in some cases worn around the waist. These normally are elastic at the back and leather or any other suitable material at the front. Belts like this normally have large buckles.
Though belts are still used in many cases to hold up pants, they where them in a different way has come in and out and in of fashion. This is for Fashion. Belts are now in some cases worn around the waist. These normally are elastic at the back and leather or any other suitable material at the front. Belts like this normally have large buckles.
Monday, June 2, 2008
As I approach maths I remember something that will make or kill the rest of my day. A Releiver! Releivers can be either good or bad, they are so unpredicatable. Will it be angus, happy, annoying, fun, or boring. Today though as I apporach my class I knew straight away what type of teacher she'd be. It's one of those releivers that let you walk all over them. It's as though they have a sign on their forehead that says "RESPECT IS NOT OKAY, DISRESPECT IS!" I dont understand these Releivers. If you cant control us dont teach! If our other teachers can control us you should be able too too.
As I walk into the class a stubby middle aged woman stode at the front of the class room with a stressed look on her face. I couldn't help but feel pitty for the lady. This was going to be a tough hour. From the corner of my eye I could see one of my friend grabbing a straw as he chewed a small piece of paper. I couldn't watch. I could predict exactly what was about to happen. He placed the plastic straw onto his lips and blew. Out shot a wet soggy piece of paper. It seemed to go in slow motion, flying accross the room. As this was happening the Releiver turned around at the perfect time. The soggy piece of paper landed right between her eyes.
As I walk into the class a stubby middle aged woman stode at the front of the class room with a stressed look on her face. I couldn't help but feel pitty for the lady. This was going to be a tough hour. From the corner of my eye I could see one of my friend grabbing a straw as he chewed a small piece of paper. I couldn't watch. I could predict exactly what was about to happen. He placed the plastic straw onto his lips and blew. Out shot a wet soggy piece of paper. It seemed to go in slow motion, flying accross the room. As this was happening the Releiver turned around at the perfect time. The soggy piece of paper landed right between her eyes.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I first feel in love with “Grease” when I was only four years old. I’d won the Grease soundtrack so mum got me the video from the video store. After that every time we got a video out I asked for Grease (I was never allowed to get it.) Grease was my favourite movie! I think that the people that have never seen it are deprived of something great. I kind or forgot about it over the past few years. But when I saw it in the DVD shop last Friday I knew I had to get it out.
As soon as I pressed play all the memories came flooding back to me. As the movie was playing I could tell my friend exactly what would happen next. Not just the basics, I could tell her exactly the movement they were going to make. For example in the “Greased lightning song” I could say what words and dance moves would come up next, (and I hadn’t watched it for at least six years.
When I was about five my favourite character was definitely Danny. Because I thought he was so COOL. He walked cool (well that’s what I thought then), he danced cool, he talked cool, and I loved his hair and leather Jackets!
But now I’ve grown off him and my new favourite character is Kenickie!
Kenicke is Danny’s best friend and second in command of the “T birds.” He’s the guy you always need to act cool around! All Kenickie cares about is looking cool and his car. Which is a putty piece of junk that he has dreams of transforming? He sounds stuck up but he’s awesome.
Grease is a musical (turned into a film) based in the 50’s. It’s about a young teenage romance between Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson. Danny and Sandy met on the beach during summer and feel in love. But when Sandy meets him again at her new school, he isn’t the same Danny she at meet at the beach. During the movie they have an on/off relationship. But have great funny with their group of friends. In the end Sandy decides to be more like Danny, so their relation ship will work. She comes to the school carnival in a tight black one piece outfit and red highheels. Danny is blown away and that’s when they start sing “You’re the one that I want”
Danny is the leader of the “T birds!” The T birds are the school trouble makers and are “too cool for school.”
Sandy befriends a group of girls called the “Pink Ladies” The pink ladies are a group of girls with crazy personalities. They all where pink jackets and say Pink ladies on the back! Sandy who is sweet, polite, and obedient is nothing like the rebellious Pink Ladies.
Each Pink Lady, pairs up with a T bird. My fav couple is Kenikie and Rizzo. There a strange couple.
Grease was an ENORMOUS hit when it came out and it still is now.
1. Summer night
2. Your the one that I want
3. Look at me, i'm Sandra Dee
4. Greased Lightning
5. Hopelessely Devoted to You
6. We Go Together
7. Beauty School Drop Out
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Snowboarding is a Mountain Extreme Sport that exposes participants to different levels of danger. The more risky you are the more fun you have.
The first Snowboard was designed by Sherman Poppen, and was originally called the Snurfer. It was essentially a skateboard without wheels, steered by a hand-held rope, and lacked bindings.
During the 70’s and 80’s snowboarding became more popular, so a group of snowboarders came up with new designs, which have over the years developed into the “Snowboard”. Many early snowboards were difficult to control and caused trouble with the skiers, so were banned from the slopes by park officials. Snowboarders only became fully excepted in the 90’s.
Most common injuries while snowboarding are in the upper body, notably the wrist. Around 100,000 people break or fracture their wrist each year due to snowboarding.
Freeride is the most common style of snowboarding. It is simply snowboarding down any available terrain. Freeride may also include aerial tricks and jib tricks borrowed from freestyle, or deep curve turns.
Freestyle is when snowboarders use manmade terrain features. For example rails, boxes, handrails, jumps, half pipes, quarter pipes and a myriad of other features. These features are used to perform tricks such as aerial or jib tricks (jib tricks are just grinding the rails).
Freecarve is also called alpine Snowboarding, and is similar in style to skiing. Alpine snowboarding is when you ride groomed runs and you focus on carved turns. Very little or no jumps are used in the style.
Common Snowboarding Competions:
Slope Style
Rail Jam
Big Air
Half- Pipe
Boarder Cross
The first Snowboard was designed by Sherman Poppen, and was originally called the Snurfer. It was essentially a skateboard without wheels, steered by a hand-held rope, and lacked bindings.
During the 70’s and 80’s snowboarding became more popular, so a group of snowboarders came up with new designs, which have over the years developed into the “Snowboard”. Many early snowboards were difficult to control and caused trouble with the skiers, so were banned from the slopes by park officials. Snowboarders only became fully excepted in the 90’s.
Most common injuries while snowboarding are in the upper body, notably the wrist. Around 100,000 people break or fracture their wrist each year due to snowboarding.
Freeride is the most common style of snowboarding. It is simply snowboarding down any available terrain. Freeride may also include aerial tricks and jib tricks borrowed from freestyle, or deep curve turns.
Freestyle is when snowboarders use manmade terrain features. For example rails, boxes, handrails, jumps, half pipes, quarter pipes and a myriad of other features. These features are used to perform tricks such as aerial or jib tricks (jib tricks are just grinding the rails).
Freecarve is also called alpine Snowboarding, and is similar in style to skiing. Alpine snowboarding is when you ride groomed runs and you focus on carved turns. Very little or no jumps are used in the style.
Common Snowboarding Competions:
Slope Style
Rail Jam
Big Air
Half- Pipe
Boarder Cross
Monday, May 19, 2008
Whangaparaoa College in the future
As the fog lifted only the peak of Whangaparaoa College could be seen. I felt slightly uneased as I walked briskly down the hill which was once Delshaw Avenue.It's been 48 years since I had set foot in this school.. Whangaparaoa College was abandoned about 30 years ago when it went bankrupt. All of the renevations were complete when not long after, a major error was discovered in the banking. The school had no choice but to close down. As the rest of the school came into view, I realised how much had changed in the world. Today we were used to seeing narrow, multiple story buildings made from dark tinted glass with electronic windows, doors and convertable rooves. But now, standing here, I remember when buildings were made from things like bricks, concrete, wood, tiles and plaster, you had to physically open windows and doors by hand, and rooves just stayed put on the top of buildings. I carried on walking through the school. My pace slowed. Memories started to flood back to me. I remembered all of the good and bad experiences that I went through here. I felt sad but happy at the same time. Sad because all of were over. Happy because those memories would always be with me..Abruptly out of nowhere, a tree branch fell onto one of the walls making a slight dent. Confused that such a small branch could dent a wall, I looked towards the dent and in the corner of my eye I spotted my name written in vibrant flourecent writing in the corner of the wall. "Billy." I read aloud. I then noticed a faint arrow pointing to where the tree branch had dented the wall. Curiously, I peeled away some of the plaster that was covering the wall. There was nothing behind it. No wood, cement or brick.. That explained why the small branch was able to dent it. It was like the tree branch was meant to fall. I felt a chill go down my spine and my instinct told me to leave, but I had to find out more. So I pulled away more of the plaster only to reveal a medium sized box squeezed into the whole in the wall. **NOT FINISHED**
By TaSh, CeRiSe, BrEe, StEpH and MmMmMmMmMmMEeEeEeEeEe
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My Friend is weird on her own crazy way. She's always up to doing crazy things that normal people would never do. She never feels self consious of what others around her think. She always quick to remember it's her life not anoyone elsez. She's not the most athletic person I know. Instead she is always ready to do things girls love to do. Such as shopping, hunging around with friends, watching movies and eating junk!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Christina is an ideal sister; she’s no longer a threatening sibling. Instead she is a sister and a friend. She’s easy to talk to and have fun with. Christina is energetic and always keen to venture into new surroundings. Even to the extent of leaving her friends and family to move to a small country town. She is a people person always up to making new friends. Christina is always changing to a new and more exciting person. Her 70’s rock music is what keeps her thriving, and you’re bound to find the old classic movies lying around her place. As a little girl Christina was known as Cinderella, acting and feeling like a true princess.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
CrEatIvE wRiTiNg 4 EnGlIsH
The thrill of riding a BMX bike is great. Especially doing jumps off ramps. From the second you start to get speed till the second you hit the ground.
I have many things going through my mind as I prepare myself for the jump. I have to find the right speed and the right angle to successfully land the jump. My hands sweat from the tight grip I have on the handle bars of my bike. I push my left leg down slowly hard then my right then my left again, and slowly I start to gain my speed. Faster, Faster, Faster! The ramp is suddenly right in front of my bike. The speed I am going pushes me to the top of the ramp. I fly off the ramp getting higher and higher; the wind is blowing against my face and making my clothes stick to my skin. It feels as though you’re floating upon nothing.
But then of course gravity sets in. my bike slowly lands accurately on the ground with a heavy thump. As soon as I hit the ground I’m ready to do it again. Maybe this time I’ll add in something new.
I have many things going through my mind as I prepare myself for the jump. I have to find the right speed and the right angle to successfully land the jump. My hands sweat from the tight grip I have on the handle bars of my bike. I push my left leg down slowly hard then my right then my left again, and slowly I start to gain my speed. Faster, Faster, Faster! The ramp is suddenly right in front of my bike. The speed I am going pushes me to the top of the ramp. I fly off the ramp getting higher and higher; the wind is blowing against my face and making my clothes stick to my skin. It feels as though you’re floating upon nothing.
But then of course gravity sets in. my bike slowly lands accurately on the ground with a heavy thump. As soon as I hit the ground I’m ready to do it again. Maybe this time I’ll add in something new.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Chris Cornell is best known today as the lead singer, song writer, and guitarist for the newly broken up Rock Band “Audioslave.”
Chris Cornell was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and attended Shorewood High School. Before becoming a successful musician, he worked at a seafood wholesaler and was a sous chef at a restaurant named Ray's Boathouse.
In 1984 Chris Cornell formed a band called “Soundgarden”.
Along with Nirvana, Alice in Chains and Pearl Jam, Soundgarden became one of the most successful bands from Seattle's emerging grunge scene in the early 1990s.
In 1994 doctors discovered that Chris had severely strained his vocal cords. Then in 1997 Soundgarden announced their disbanding. So in 1999 Chris Cornell started a solo career, which involved creating his solo Album “Euphoria Morning.” The album proved commercially unsuccessful although the album's single "Can't Change Me" was nominated for "Best Male Rock Vocal Performance" at the 2000 Grammy Awards.
Chris Cornell then helped form a new band in 2001 called “Audioslave.” Audioslave formed when Zack de la Rocha left Rage Against the Machine and the remaining members were searching for another vocalist. Chris Cornell joined that band and they released their first album “Audioslave” in 2002. It became triple platinum in the US. Then in 2005 Audioslave released their second album “”. Then in 2007 they released their last album “Revelations”.
Chris Cornell announced leaving Audioslave in February 2007. He went on to release another solo album “Carry On,” and went on a world tour. This included performing at the “Linkin Park” concert in Auckland. He recently announced that his third solo album will be released in September of this year. He producer for this Album will be TIMBALAND. Timbaland has referred to the recording sessions as "The best work I've done in my career,"
In 1984 Chris Cornell formed a band called “Soundgarden”.
Along with Nirvana, Alice in Chains and Pearl Jam, Soundgarden became one of the most successful bands from Seattle's emerging grunge scene in the early 1990s.
In 1994 doctors discovered that Chris had severely strained his vocal cords. Then in 1997 Soundgarden announced their disbanding. So in 1999 Chris Cornell started a solo career, which involved creating his solo Album “Euphoria Morning.” The album proved commercially unsuccessful although the album's single "Can't Change Me" was nominated for "Best Male Rock Vocal Performance" at the 2000 Grammy Awards.
Chris Cornell then helped form a new band in 2001 called “Audioslave.” Audioslave formed when Zack de la Rocha left Rage Against the Machine and the remaining members were searching for another vocalist. Chris Cornell joined that band and they released their first album “Audioslave” in 2002. It became triple platinum in the US. Then in 2005 Audioslave released their second album “”. Then in 2007 they released their last album “Revelations”.
Chris Cornell announced leaving Audioslave in February 2007. He went on to release another solo album “Carry On,” and went on a world tour. This included performing at the “Linkin Park” concert in Auckland. He recently announced that his third solo album will be released in September of this year. He producer for this Album will be TIMBALAND. Timbaland has referred to the recording sessions as "The best work I've done in my career,"
Friday, May 2, 2008
Jimi Hendrix is considered the greatest and most influential guitarist in Rock Music’s history.
He was born on November 27, 1942, in Seattle, Washington. He learnt to play the guitar when he turned fifteen after buying an acoustic guitar for $5! He played in many bands as a teenager. He was soon sent to the army. But this didn’t stop Jimi Hendrix from perusing his music career; he started a band after meeting a bass guitarist in the army.
After leaving the military Jimi played as back up for different musicans. But after meeting Chas Chandler, who became his manager, he joined up with Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell and created The Jimi Hendrix Experience. They Released in 1967 the band's first single, “Hey Joe,” which was soon followed by “Purple Haze” and “The Wind Cried Mary.”
Jimi Hendrix soon won over many fans after his stunning performance at the Monterey International Pop Festival in June 1967, which ended with Hendrix lighting his guitar on fire. In 1968 The Jimi Experience released another album called “Bold as Love”, which featured the hit “All Along the Watchtower!” The Jimi Experience continued to tour until their split in 1969.
Jimi Hendrix formed another band near the end of 1969, with his army buddy Billy Cox and drummer Buddy Miles. The band never really took off, so Hendrix became working on a new album tentatively named “First Rays of the New Rising Sun,” with Cox and Mitch Mitchell from the Jimi Hendrix Experience.
Sadly Jimi Hendrix died at the age of 27 after drug related complications (sleeping pills), so he wasn’t able to finish the album “First Rays of the New Rising Sun”.
But Jimi Hendrix has still left his mark on the world of Rock, and his music is still loved my many today.
After leaving the military Jimi played as back up for different musicans. But after meeting Chas Chandler, who became his manager, he joined up with Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell and created The Jimi Hendrix Experience. They Released in 1967 the band's first single, “Hey Joe,” which was soon followed by “Purple Haze” and “The Wind Cried Mary.”
Jimi Hendrix soon won over many fans after his stunning performance at the Monterey International Pop Festival in June 1967, which ended with Hendrix lighting his guitar on fire. In 1968 The Jimi Experience released another album called “Bold as Love”, which featured the hit “All Along the Watchtower!” The Jimi Experience continued to tour until their split in 1969.
Jimi Hendrix formed another band near the end of 1969, with his army buddy Billy Cox and drummer Buddy Miles. The band never really took off, so Hendrix became working on a new album tentatively named “First Rays of the New Rising Sun,” with Cox and Mitch Mitchell from the Jimi Hendrix Experience.
Sadly Jimi Hendrix died at the age of 27 after drug related complications (sleeping pills), so he wasn’t able to finish the album “First Rays of the New Rising Sun”.
But Jimi Hendrix has still left his mark on the world of Rock, and his music is still loved my many today.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I am so happy. It is finally the holidays. I have been waiting for the holidayz since last holidayz which was 10 weeks ago. The whole learningl hasnt been that tuff but it feels like my brain is about to explode.
I think it's because our blocks are 1 hour and 15 minutes long! The last half our of the block goes soooooooooooooooo slow it's unbearable.
It's the worst in Maths. Firstly, because I'm always seated next to people that are set out to annoy me. & Secondly, why the heck do I need to know the area of a cylinder, it's not like when Im older my profession will be to measure spagetti cans.
In Drama this term I have written more than I have in all my other subjects (literally...........maybe not german)! IT'S CRAZY STUFF!
But anyway Im so happy cause tomorrow is my last day. Tonight I have felt the most relaxed I felt in ages. I dont have any annoying homework (except my blog but that isnt counted), and I dont have any test to study for. It's great!
On friday I'm going to stay at my sister's for just ova a week. It'll be awesome, catching up with some friends that i havn't seen for ages. AND SPENDING TIME WITHOUT MY PARENTS.
I think it's because our blocks are 1 hour and 15 minutes long! The last half our of the block goes soooooooooooooooo slow it's unbearable.
It's the worst in Maths. Firstly, because I'm always seated next to people that are set out to annoy me. & Secondly, why the heck do I need to know the area of a cylinder, it's not like when Im older my profession will be to measure spagetti cans.
In Drama this term I have written more than I have in all my other subjects (literally...........maybe not german)! IT'S CRAZY STUFF!
But anyway Im so happy cause tomorrow is my last day. Tonight I have felt the most relaxed I felt in ages. I dont have any annoying homework (except my blog but that isnt counted), and I dont have any test to study for. It's great!
On friday I'm going to stay at my sister's for just ova a week. It'll be awesome, catching up with some friends that i havn't seen for ages. AND SPENDING TIME WITHOUT MY PARENTS.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Do you have that weird thing happen to you. Like whenever you go somewhere the same thing happens. I do, everytime I go to the ZOO it rains or a least spits. Today was a warm Autum day, there were almost no clouds in the sky, buuuuuuuttttttttttttt of cause since I was at the ZOO it spitted. It's so werid, i;ve been going to the ZOO for the past fourteen years and i cant remember a time when it hasnt rained.
The ZOO is a awesome place to run around in and have HEEaps of fun.
We mostly just ran around the ZOO and stopped at whatever animal we found interesting.
But Drew was more interested in the animals, he wanted to get in close contact with the wild life. But the only way he could do this was by sticking his hand into the mere-cat inclosure. One thing lead to another, and Drew ended up getting Bitten by a Mere- Cat. I knew something random would happen to Drew or he'd do something weird, but I would never have thought he would get bitten by a Mere- Cat! While Drew had his hand in the mere- cat inclosure Steph was taking a picker of the cats. In the background of Steph's photo, you can Drews arm dangling down the edge of the wall and Mere-cat inches away from his fingers ready to pounce.
Later in the day Drew had to go get a Teqness (spelling??) Shot. Gutts for him!!!
Today was all about finding out about indangered species. So we listened to a presentation about New Zealand indangered species. But to be perfectly honest I dont really care much for learning about New Zealand. All I care about is our Rugby team winning their games.
But the rest of the day was good.....
The ZOO is a awesome place to run around in and have HEEaps of fun.
We mostly just ran around the ZOO and stopped at whatever animal we found interesting.
But Drew was more interested in the animals, he wanted to get in close contact with the wild life. But the only way he could do this was by sticking his hand into the mere-cat inclosure. One thing lead to another, and Drew ended up getting Bitten by a Mere- Cat. I knew something random would happen to Drew or he'd do something weird, but I would never have thought he would get bitten by a Mere- Cat! While Drew had his hand in the mere- cat inclosure Steph was taking a picker of the cats. In the background of Steph's photo, you can Drews arm dangling down the edge of the wall and Mere-cat inches away from his fingers ready to pounce.
Later in the day Drew had to go get a Teqness (spelling??) Shot. Gutts for him!!!
Today was all about finding out about indangered species. So we listened to a presentation about New Zealand indangered species. But to be perfectly honest I dont really care much for learning about New Zealand. All I care about is our Rugby team winning their games.
But the rest of the day was good.....
Thursday, April 3, 2008
sNoW bOaRdInG!!!!!!!!
Last year around July I started SnowBoarding. I started when my sister who had been Boarding for that last two years, took me to Planet. It was alot of fun but of course i spent most of the time on my Butt. When the couple of hours was over I walked out of the slope soaked and with ice ball everywhere,..... in my pockets, in my gloves and attached to my jacket.
But i never gave up on SnowBoarding, so a little over two months later I bought a Board and started regularly going for boards. My board is awesome, it's Green, Blue and White, with all these cool designs on it like a seahorse, a peace sign, a weird lady and heaps of "BURTON" labels on it, etc! I'm not that very good at SnowBoarding cause I only go for a board ever second week, which is really anoying. But oh well i still love it.
When I first started learning, my friends Crystal and Trent started learning, which was pretty cool cause we were at the came level. But there real good now. Crystal has "Freestyle" lessons and trent is a guy so he has no fear. So now there waaaaayyyy better than me now. Which is okay cause they can just teach me stuff. (haha suckers)
Last night I went for the first time in 2 months. It was on a wednesday night so it was awesome. The reason for this was because, on Wednesday nights all the pro go. The majority of people there at this time are between the ages of 17- 24ish. This I great because there are no anoying learner people blocking you way.
And it's awesome to watch. All you hear on the slope are SnowBoards scrapping along the snow, the smack of the Boards hitting the the snow after they've been in the air, and the boards scrapping along rails.
It's even better to watch. Hot guys in their different Snow Gear, doing mean as tricks on the jumps and rails, like Flips off the kicker, 360's off the flate down, c- rail (etc) and jumps, etc!
Last night I did the car, it's a car in the slope with a plastic top over it. When Crystal was trying to get me to do it I was really nerves, but when I did do it, it was GREAT!!!! (though the first time i landed in my butt when I landed.) It was really really really really easy. Afterwards it felt so great knowing that there is something new I could do. Cause I was getting kinda bored of what I'd been doing.
But i never gave up on SnowBoarding, so a little over two months later I bought a Board and started regularly going for boards. My board is awesome, it's Green, Blue and White, with all these cool designs on it like a seahorse, a peace sign, a weird lady and heaps of "BURTON" labels on it, etc! I'm not that very good at SnowBoarding cause I only go for a board ever second week, which is really anoying. But oh well i still love it.
When I first started learning, my friends Crystal and Trent started learning, which was pretty cool cause we were at the came level. But there real good now. Crystal has "Freestyle" lessons and trent is a guy so he has no fear. So now there waaaaayyyy better than me now. Which is okay cause they can just teach me stuff. (haha suckers)
Last night I went for the first time in 2 months. It was on a wednesday night so it was awesome. The reason for this was because, on Wednesday nights all the pro go. The majority of people there at this time are between the ages of 17- 24ish. This I great because there are no anoying learner people blocking you way.
And it's awesome to watch. All you hear on the slope are SnowBoards scrapping along the snow, the smack of the Boards hitting the the snow after they've been in the air, and the boards scrapping along rails.
It's even better to watch. Hot guys in their different Snow Gear, doing mean as tricks on the jumps and rails, like Flips off the kicker, 360's off the flate down, c- rail (etc) and jumps, etc!
Last night I did the car, it's a car in the slope with a plastic top over it. When Crystal was trying to get me to do it I was really nerves, but when I did do it, it was GREAT!!!! (though the first time i landed in my butt when I landed.) It was really really really really easy. Afterwards it felt so great knowing that there is something new I could do. Cause I was getting kinda bored of what I'd been doing.
Chinese Cinderella is an amazing Autobiography on the childhood of Adeline Yen Mah. During the time I read Chinese Cinderella I felt many different emotions. Firstly I felt Horror, I next felt hatred, and I also felt Happiness. In this essay I will explain why I felt this way.
Many times throughout Chinese Cinderella I felt Absolute horror.
For example when Adeline was being taken by her Father and Stepmother to a Boarding School in Tianjin, Adeline’s father had to fill out a form about Adeline. I felt horror when he turned to Adeline and said to her, “I’m afraid I’ve forgotten your Chinese name, is it
Jun-qing?” Adeline then expresses in her Autobiography ‘a pang went through. I meant so little to him; I was such a nobody that he didn’t even remember my name!’ “No father. That’s little sister’s name. Mine is Jun-ling.”
He then goes on to ask, her date of birth, but she does not know this because he has never allowed her to celebrate her birthday. This makes me so angry to know that a father could know so little about his own child. How could he make his child feel meaningless and like a nobody?
While reading Chinese Cinderella I felt hatred for many of the characters.
An example of this was when Adeline’s class mates had followed her home from school. They wanted to celebrate the victory of her becoming class president. When Adeline’s stepmother heard them she called her into he room, Niang then started screaming at her. Though Adeline explained to Niang that she didn’t invite, Niang continues slapping and accusing her of being a liar and a show off. Niang then sends her down to her friends to tell them they must go home. When Adeline approaches her class mates she realizes that she has blood dripping from her nose and that they had heard every harsh word and every slap Niang had inflicted on her.
This makes me feel hatred for Niang because she went to ever extent possible to make Adeline feel unwanted and alone. She didn’t want anyone to know that she has stepchildren. She wanted to look like a perfect Wife with two children. Not two children and five stepchildren.
I did not only feel miserable emotions through out reading Chinese Cinderella. I also felt happiness. I felt this way, when Adeline finally got what she had wanted her entire life. After winning a international playing writing competition her father was finally proud to have her as a daughter. He then allowed her to attend University in England. This made me feel Happy because throughout the novel I felt the pain and misery she expressed. But now that she was truly happy for the first time in her life. It made me feel happy that she received the happiness and love that she had deserved her whole life.
In conclusion I felt different strong emotions while reading different events that occurred in Chinese Cinderella. I felt Anger, Hatred, and Happiness. From reading Adeline’s feelings and emotions I felt he pain and her happiness.
Many times throughout Chinese Cinderella I felt Absolute horror.
For example when Adeline was being taken by her Father and Stepmother to a Boarding School in Tianjin, Adeline’s father had to fill out a form about Adeline. I felt horror when he turned to Adeline and said to her, “I’m afraid I’ve forgotten your Chinese name, is it
Jun-qing?” Adeline then expresses in her Autobiography ‘a pang went through. I meant so little to him; I was such a nobody that he didn’t even remember my name!’ “No father. That’s little sister’s name. Mine is Jun-ling.”
He then goes on to ask, her date of birth, but she does not know this because he has never allowed her to celebrate her birthday. This makes me so angry to know that a father could know so little about his own child. How could he make his child feel meaningless and like a nobody?
While reading Chinese Cinderella I felt hatred for many of the characters.
An example of this was when Adeline’s class mates had followed her home from school. They wanted to celebrate the victory of her becoming class president. When Adeline’s stepmother heard them she called her into he room, Niang then started screaming at her. Though Adeline explained to Niang that she didn’t invite, Niang continues slapping and accusing her of being a liar and a show off. Niang then sends her down to her friends to tell them they must go home. When Adeline approaches her class mates she realizes that she has blood dripping from her nose and that they had heard every harsh word and every slap Niang had inflicted on her.
This makes me feel hatred for Niang because she went to ever extent possible to make Adeline feel unwanted and alone. She didn’t want anyone to know that she has stepchildren. She wanted to look like a perfect Wife with two children. Not two children and five stepchildren.
I did not only feel miserable emotions through out reading Chinese Cinderella. I also felt happiness. I felt this way, when Adeline finally got what she had wanted her entire life. After winning a international playing writing competition her father was finally proud to have her as a daughter. He then allowed her to attend University in England. This made me feel Happy because throughout the novel I felt the pain and misery she expressed. But now that she was truly happy for the first time in her life. It made me feel happy that she received the happiness and love that she had deserved her whole life.
In conclusion I felt different strong emotions while reading different events that occurred in Chinese Cinderella. I felt Anger, Hatred, and Happiness. From reading Adeline’s feelings and emotions I felt he pain and her happiness.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Chester Charles Bennington is one of the most amazing singers I have ever heard. He is most recognized as the lead singer of Linkin Park, where his higher-pitched, emotional vocals balance out those of co- vocalist and emcee Mike Shinoda. At the age of 32 he lives a great life in Orange County (America). With his wife Talinda and his four Kids. But life hasn’t always been good for Chester. As a child he was sexually abused, (not by his family but by people around him), a few of his friends commited suicide and one died in a skateboarding accident. At the age of eleven he turned to drugs after the divorce of his parent. He turned to drugs at such a young age so he could numb his pain and memories he had. By the time Chester got into his teenage years he was heavily into cocaine and methamphetamines. Though still heavily into drug, he still wanted to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a Rock Star. So in 1993 he joined as lead vocalist, to a local band “Grey Daze”. Grey Daze became well known in Chester’s town of Phoenix and around The US. But he soon became unhappy in the band because of creative differences.
At this stage in Chester’s Life he was married to his former wife Samantha, they were to poor to buy rings so they got their wedding rings tattooed onto their fingers. (Samantha left him in 2005).
Chester Struggled to find another band, and was about to give up on his music career, when in 1999 (aged 23) he was told about an audition for a band in Los Angeles so he moved his family to L.A! Here he did a great Audition for a band called Hybrid Theory. There was another vocalist also auditioning that day, but when he heard Chester sing he knew there was no point in him auditioning so he quickly left. Chester became the final piece of Hybrid Theory. Chester soon came up with a knew name for Hybrid Theory, (which is its current name) “Linkin Park”.
(Chester was free from drugs before joining Linkin park)
Chester Benningon’s co-writer and fellow band member Mike Shinoda had been trying for a long time to right a song, called "Breaking the Habit", then when he met Chester all the lyrics needed slipped into place. “Breaking the Habit” brought back memories from Chester’s past which in many cases reduced him to tears in the middle of a performance. So until recently Breaking the Habit wasn’t able to be performed live.
Chester has a great respect for his Fans. Even to the extent that when he broke his arm by doing his famous “Monkey Jump” He did the rest of the show with a broken arm because he didn’t want to let his fans down. I quote “It’ll be just as broken in an hour as it is now” – Chester.
Chester plays the Guitar, the piano and is a vocalist.
At this stage in Chester’s Life he was married to his former wife Samantha, they were to poor to buy rings so they got their wedding rings tattooed onto their fingers. (Samantha left him in 2005).
Chester Struggled to find another band, and was about to give up on his music career, when in 1999 (aged 23) he was told about an audition for a band in Los Angeles so he moved his family to L.A! Here he did a great Audition for a band called Hybrid Theory. There was another vocalist also auditioning that day, but when he heard Chester sing he knew there was no point in him auditioning so he quickly left. Chester became the final piece of Hybrid Theory. Chester soon came up with a knew name for Hybrid Theory, (which is its current name) “Linkin Park”.
(Chester was free from drugs before joining Linkin park)
Chester Benningon’s co-writer and fellow band member Mike Shinoda had been trying for a long time to right a song, called "Breaking the Habit", then when he met Chester all the lyrics needed slipped into place. “Breaking the Habit” brought back memories from Chester’s past which in many cases reduced him to tears in the middle of a performance. So until recently Breaking the Habit wasn’t able to be performed live.
Chester has a great respect for his Fans. Even to the extent that when he broke his arm by doing his famous “Monkey Jump” He did the rest of the show with a broken arm because he didn’t want to let his fans down. I quote “It’ll be just as broken in an hour as it is now” – Chester.
Chester plays the Guitar, the piano and is a vocalist.
My sister lives in a awsome house.
It reminds me of Danny, Scott, Hayley and Noah's house from Home and Away, Before it burnt down. They called it the castle. It's a perfect house for a bunch of tennagers. Bright, old and big.
Christina's house is pretty much the same. He kitchen has bright yellow walls and purle doors.
Her spare bedroom is Bright Blue with white clouds painted on the ceiling. Then her Bedroom and lounge is a redy Purple.
She has a pool, though it's not really her's we can go in it whenever.
To get to her house you drive down a long driveway through a vineyard.
It reminds me of Danny, Scott, Hayley and Noah's house from Home and Away, Before it burnt down. They called it the castle. It's a perfect house for a bunch of tennagers. Bright, old and big.
Christina's house is pretty much the same. He kitchen has bright yellow walls and purle doors.
Her spare bedroom is Bright Blue with white clouds painted on the ceiling. Then her Bedroom and lounge is a redy Purple.
She has a pool, though it's not really her's we can go in it whenever.
To get to her house you drive down a long driveway through a vineyard.
It's coolio dude
Head Chef
My dream is to be a Head Chef in a Busy Restaurant in the middle of a big city. I love the chaos in kitchens. Your always busy racing against time, while doing something you love. Working with the smell of spices floating in the air. The heat of the ovens and gas elements. The sound of sharp knifes quickly hitting chopping boards, as they cut through vegetables, meats and spices. Waiters yelling out orders, chefs yelling out meals they have finished. Then as you walk through the kitchen doors into the restaurant, you now here none of the chaos. All you hear is people chatting at their tables. Glasses clanging together and knifes slowly cutting food on plates, and quiet music in the background. How satisfying it would be to have people paying to eat your food. Then seeing them satisfied after having a delicious meal you have created.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I have been sitting at my computer for the last ummmm lets think 1 HOUR, writing then rewriting then deleting my blog entry about the Museum. I don’t like writing about things I have been told to write about. No words ever some to my mind. I would rather write about something I want to write about. Maybe something I feel strongly about or writing about I enjoy doing or watching or listening to. But not about the museum. However, I’ll give this another shot.
The year 10 social studies topic for term one, has been conflict, under this category we have been studying World War 1. Therefore, what would be a better place to study World War 1 than at the Auckland Museum? There we could learn all about the battle fields, see pictures of the war and read about what it was like living in that time period.
So on Friday (15th March) we all piled into the buses and made our way to the Auckland Museum. We were taken into a area which a cant remember the name of. But anyway it was an area made up of at least 4 rooms. We were given a question booklet, and we had to find the answers to these questions on posters and telephones placed around the rooms. We did this for about an hour than we moved onto the next area. This are was about World War 2. Again, we had to answer questions, which we found the answers to around the room. During this time, some one set off the alarm, because some touched something that had an alarm on it. The funny thing was the alarm went off just as an old(ish) man sat on a seat. He thought he’d set off the alarm. How funny is that! LMAO!
At 12:00 we had lunch outside the Museum for half and hour.
We then we back into the Museum for 20 minutes to look in a room that was full of stuff from the past. Like old chocolate bars, old a dentist chair, etc. And this HUGE stuffed Elephant that used to live at Auckland Zoo.
Man that room brought back memories from when I was little. It was my favorite place in the Museum when I was like 5. (good times, good times)
When we got back to school, a few of us went to the tuck-shop to buy something. We ended up getting free let overs. I got nachos but shamus stole them off me.
The year 10 social studies topic for term one, has been conflict, under this category we have been studying World War 1. Therefore, what would be a better place to study World War 1 than at the Auckland Museum? There we could learn all about the battle fields, see pictures of the war and read about what it was like living in that time period.
So on Friday (15th March) we all piled into the buses and made our way to the Auckland Museum. We were taken into a area which a cant remember the name of. But anyway it was an area made up of at least 4 rooms. We were given a question booklet, and we had to find the answers to these questions on posters and telephones placed around the rooms. We did this for about an hour than we moved onto the next area. This are was about World War 2. Again, we had to answer questions, which we found the answers to around the room. During this time, some one set off the alarm, because some touched something that had an alarm on it. The funny thing was the alarm went off just as an old(ish) man sat on a seat. He thought he’d set off the alarm. How funny is that! LMAO!
At 12:00 we had lunch outside the Museum for half and hour.
We then we back into the Museum for 20 minutes to look in a room that was full of stuff from the past. Like old chocolate bars, old a dentist chair, etc. And this HUGE stuffed Elephant that used to live at Auckland Zoo.
Man that room brought back memories from when I was little. It was my favorite place in the Museum when I was like 5. (good times, good times)
When we got back to school, a few of us went to the tuck-shop to buy something. We ended up getting free let overs. I got nachos but shamus stole them off me.
SOZZZZZ in advance
I'd just like to apologize in advance for my spelling errors and my terrible blog writng. You see everyone seems to be wrting all poetic and pro. But as you can probable tell I'm not the best at that. But I will try. So my poetic interesting way of writing, may (i hope not) sounds absolutely crap, and thats why I'm apologizing.
P.s. Sorry future me (if i'm/you are reading this) for embarrassing You/ Myself for whatever I decide to write in here in the next year or so, if its embarrassing to look back on im soooooo soooooo sorry .............................................................. Like what I'm writing now.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Last night was any normal week night. Homework and chatting to friends in msn.
But then around 9:00pm it turned into a not so normal night. I was studying for my German Oral test. I was reading over and over German sentences I was to resite to my German teacher Mr Moss the next night. I was deep in thought when the phone rang. Mum answered on the speaker phone, but all I could hear was someone mumbling into the phone. “Is that Bruno?” Mum replied to the person. The Person on the other replied again in which I then realized was a different language. Mum then Replied in what I noticed was German. She then passed the phone to my Dad who automatically started speaking in Swiss- German, “Hallo Bruno.” After talking for a while Dad hung up the phone. “Bruno’s inviting us to Switzerland for a Family Reunion, and is paying for all of our flight expenses!”
I can’t believe it, in just over five months I will be in Switzerland for a three week holiday. This will be my first time out of New Zealand, and my Dad’s first time back home for nineteen years. I am so excited.
In the three weeks we will go to Italy and travel around Switzerland. I will also meet cousins I have never had the chance to meet.
This is all sooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!
But then around 9:00pm it turned into a not so normal night. I was studying for my German Oral test. I was reading over and over German sentences I was to resite to my German teacher Mr Moss the next night. I was deep in thought when the phone rang. Mum answered on the speaker phone, but all I could hear was someone mumbling into the phone. “Is that Bruno?” Mum replied to the person. The Person on the other replied again in which I then realized was a different language. Mum then Replied in what I noticed was German. She then passed the phone to my Dad who automatically started speaking in Swiss- German, “Hallo Bruno.” After talking for a while Dad hung up the phone. “Bruno’s inviting us to Switzerland for a Family Reunion, and is paying for all of our flight expenses!”
I can’t believe it, in just over five months I will be in Switzerland for a three week holiday. This will be my first time out of New Zealand, and my Dad’s first time back home for nineteen years. I am so excited.
In the three weeks we will go to Italy and travel around Switzerland. I will also meet cousins I have never had the chance to meet.
This is all sooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
A Special Friend

Now when something exciting, scary or funny happens, or even if theres something you just need to get off your chest, you go to tell this friend. But then you remember their not there to tell. You have no one to tell, because this tho you have other friends to tell, you only want to tell this special friend. You can imagian their reaction, even if their not that insterested in what you have to say, they'll still listen. But now instead it all just bundles inside of you with no way out. Your ready to explode.
What have you done wrong? How could they do this? Why would they do this?
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Today is the first day i am writing in my blog and i have absolutely no idea what to write.
I think Im suppose to write about my day and stuff. Ms Wilson said not to be boring though. But today was pretty boring. It was just an ordinary day. Drama, German, English and Science.
I had a German test......... it was sooooo hard. There were words i didn't even know the meaning of and i had to answer questions where i had to use these words. It was random.
When i got home today these men were on my drive way with all this weird equipment. I was like ohhhhhh my goodness whats going on. Then mum got home....... and it turns out they were measuring or section, because we're building a garage. (Mum could have warned me dont yah think.)
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